Behold the web!!
Here it is: The greatest tool for self-aggrandisement on the planet.
Me, me, look at me!! Please acknowledge my presence and allow my existence to have some semblance of meaning! Please help, I’m going down for the third time.....
*Glub, glub...*
With so many voices busying themselves screaming down the same well, it's not suprising that the voices inevitably plunge downward into a vat of narcissistic porridge where identity and rationality sink without trace.
As for forums, don’t even get me started on those. Too late...Dammit!
Grim inanity is the order of the day in forum life. Does anybody know what happened to the exchange of ideas that the word ‘forum’ once implied? All too often the word means loutishness, arrogance, grovelling, or (worst of all) a shop-front. So called ‘celebrity fan-sites’ are worst of all. They feature outpourings of the psychologically challenged into the (always empty) cerebral vessel of the terminal egoist. Is there really anybody out there who gives a flying one about what an artist/actor/pop star/glamour-puss thinks about the world? Evidently so. Perhaps humans are closer to sheep then science suggests.
Forums are butcher's shops celebrating in their display of dead meat. Any purpose such 'projectile ego-vomit' serves for any sentient being on the planet remains a mystery.
Hold your horses though. Such inanities are now also available in mpeg, jpeg, doc, pdf, avi, bmp, flv, avi, and lossless FLAC. You can obtain ‘limited edition’ releases of bits and bobs that shops wouldn’t normally stock even if you threatened them with a shotgun. At best they are fetishable tat-based items whose vulnerable and gullable market evokes images of Times Colour Supplement readers of the 1970s.
Limited edition? Not limited enough boys and girls.
There's also a dangerous part to this web-based imbecility. All sorts of wild and whacky arguments, observations, and theories enjoy equal standing with both each other and the truth: Quality control is a luxury. Truth mutates into what you believe to be correct, and grim reality slides effortlessly into the curtained background.
Among many other things you can now find out now are the holocaust never happened, humans are not related to chimps, intelligent design is correct, 9-11 was instigated by the CIA, the moon landings were filmed down the road, global warming is nothing more than a front for fame-hungry scientists trying to sell a book, and everyone as had at least one severe rectal examination by a dude from Alpha Centauri.
Let's move on to social networking. Now isn’t that stuff fun? Here’s an idea; let’s tell a complete stranger that I like toast for breakfast, and that I’ve decided not to wear socks today. That information will no doubt enrich my audience's day beyond all measure. Ain’t I important? Look, I’ve got nearly 200 followers!
Wowee!! Maybe they're not wearing socks either: Let’s ask 'em. Super awesome.
Better still, let’s log onto my friend’s site, and find out some intimate details about her that under normal circumstances would either get me arrested for harassment (or at least land me a broken nose courtesy of her husband). Heck, but I don’t even have to log in to look at this stuff. I’ll just do a scan of my local friendly search engine. Mega super doubleplussgood awesome. Not only will the search engine reveal my friend’s favourite brand of bath salts (and how hot she likes the water), but it will also point me to the video of her teenage daughter showing off the latest disrobed part of her body to a webcam. Where's the harm? She’s only responding to requests posted to her from ‘followers’ anyway. Cool.
Can the web when push back the frontiers of human knowledge or what?
Last and most certainly least, let's turn to ‘Blogging’. You know the thing; it's that fascinating pastime where every two-bit fuckwit who thinks that he or she can string a sentence together is given a shot at expounding wisdom to the unwashed masses.